S&P 500 Ends Week Higher Despite Friday's 1.1% Drop The S&P 500 fell 1.1% on Friday, closing at 5,970.84, but still managed a weekly gain. Explore the implications of market movements and tech stocks' impact.
S&P 500 Dips 1.1% on Friday, Ends Week with Gains The S&P 500 closed at 5,970.84 after a 1.1% drop on Friday, yet managed a modest gain for the week. Explore the market movements and weekly performance.
US Stocks Close Week Lower: S&P 500, Nasdaq, Dow Decline US stock market ends week in red as S&P 500 falls 1.1%, Nasdaq drops 1.5%, and Dow slides 0.8% despite earlier gains. Stay updated on market trends.